Thursday, April 11, 2013

Making for Baby

There has been a little sewing and crocheting going on the last couple of weeks.  I LOVE making baby things...

My husbands cousin is expecting her first baby and we could not be any more excited for her and her husband! The baby shower is at the end of the month, though, unfortunately, I will not be able to attend.  I am sending a gift though! I hope the parents-to-be love it.  I'm sure they will!

A baby needs bibs.   Lots of them.

One for every holiday.


A couple for Christmastime.  :) That's my favorite time of year. 

I am planning (always planning!) to make and sell these in my etsy shop.  Just as soon as I catch up on my kids scrapbooks! LOL!

The gift also included a couple of receiving blankets and some burp cloths.   I so wish we lived closer so I could actually attend the shower.  Instead I will wait to hear how she likes everything!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Getting my brain back.

It's been a crazy couple of months. And an even crazy past week. My husband's grandpa passed away a week ago. We spent 5 days in IL. We got back home this past Wednesday night. Yesterday we made good on a promise to Dude and spent the afternoon at the St. Louis Science Center. The evening was spent cleaning. I got three of the upstairs rooms cleaned and finally feel like I am getting my brain back.

I also spent time cleaning out and packing up stuff in the office/sewing room. We're getting ready for a makeover. Before we put the house on the market. Yes, we chose the end of the year to get our house ready to sell it in hopes of being able to buy a bigger house that more suits us. I packed my sewing machine away last night and already I miss it.

I manged to complete a couple of Christmas gifts this year. I made a crayon roll and an artbag for our 18 month old niece. The crayon roll was filled with brand new crayons and the bag was filled with lots of goodies for a buddy artist.

I have photos of another gift, but will post that later. It's time for me to get to the rest of my cleaning and more laundry. Does it ever end??

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Starting Out...

I've been contemplating a blog for a while now and finally decided "why not?" So here I go, jumping in.

I'm a wife to the greatest husband I could ask for and mother to one adorable son. And a crafter. I quilt, crochet, bead, cross stitch. Can't say which I prefer most. Depends on the day. My focus lately has been anything to do with dolls. Funny, since I don't have a daughter.

These little guys have been my focus lately. My cell phone charms. I have them for every holiday and season.

Off to get stuff done so I can get back to crafting!